Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Cancer Screening in Medical and Non-Medical Females Students of Lahore, Pakistan


  • Jawaria Ghazanfar Department of Pediatric Surgery, Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex, Lahore.
  • Ayesha Khalil Department of Radiology, Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex, Lahore.
  • Aniqua Tahir Incharge Women Medical Officer, BHU Awan, Chak-39.
  • Muhammad Imran Anwar Head, Department of Surgery (unit-II), Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex, Lahore.
  • Hina Mahmood Dept. of Public Health & Community Medicine, Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex, Lahore.
  • Ayesha Humayun HOD, Public Health and Community Medicine, Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex, Lahore.



Breast cancer, Breast self-examination, clinical breast examination, mammography, screening


Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women all over the world and a leading cause of death in women of Pakistan. Programs promoting awareness about breast cancer, breast self-examination (BSE), clinical breast examination (CBE) and mammography are in place but still BSE is poorly practiced by females of Pakistan.

Aims & Objectives: To assess and compare the knowledge, attitude and practice about breast cancer screening among female medical and non-medical students of two institutes in Lahore, Pakistan.

Place and duration of study: Study conducted during May-June 2017 in Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Medical College and Kinnaird College University in Lahore, Pakistan.

Material & Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted during May-June 2017 on a conveniently selected sample of 200 female students from two colleges in Lahore. A self-constructed and self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of breast cancer screening. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 21.

Results: Mean age of 21.66+1.50 and 22.58+ 2.138 was observed in medical and non-medical students respectively. In the age group 18-23 we had 85% of medical girls and 61% of non-medical while 39% of non-medical girls were in age group 24-29. Among 100 female medical students, 84% were knowledgeable about BSE as compared to 65% non-medical students. Knowledge was adequate for CBE in 74% and 53%, and for Mammography in 83% and 58% of medical and non-medical students respectively. The attitude was positive towards BSE in 92% and 75%, for CBE 89% and 74%, and for mammography 94% and 83% among medical and non-medical students respectively. The BSE practice was reported by 20% medical girls and only 13% non-medical girls, while CBE practice was in 13% medical and 5% non-medical girls.

Conclusion: Medical students were more knowledgeable and had a better attitude about breast cancer screening as compared to non-medical girls but when it came to practice, it was found to be very low in both groups.




How to Cite

Jawaria Ghazanfar, Ayesha Khalil, Aniqua Tahir, Muhammad Imran Anwar, Hina Mahmood, Ayesha Humayun. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast Cancer Screening in Medical and Non-Medical Females Students of Lahore, Pakistan. Proceedings S.Z.M.C [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];35(2):41-6. Available from: