Frequency and Pattern of Bronchiectasis in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Asifa Karamat Department of Pulmonology, Gulab Devi Hospital, Lahore.
  • Huma Batool Department of Pulmonology, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore.
  • Sohail Anwar Department of Pulmonology, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore.
  • Shazia Akram Department of Pulmonology, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Chashma.
  • Atif Masood Department of Medicine, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore.
  • Wajid Ali Rafai Department of Medicine, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital, Lahore.



Bronchiectasis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a high burden respiratory issue all over the world. It has high morbidity and mortality in the United States. Bronchiectasis is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is under diagnosed as diagnostic tools like HRCT though easily available but an expensive test in developing countries like Pakistan. We aim to establish the frequency and patterns of bronchiectasis in patients of  COPD.
Aims and Objectives: To establish the frequency and pattern of bronchiectasis in COPD in our population so that we can improve patient care and quality of life of these patients.
Place and duration of study: We did a cross sectional survey in Department of Pulmonology, Gulab Devi Hospital, Lahore. Study was completed from 1st September 2017 to 28th February 2018.
Material & Methods: After taking an informed consent 150 already diagnosed COPD patients were included. Bronchiectasis was seen on high resolution CT scan (HRCT). Data was collected on a structured proforma and analyzed on SPSS version 20.
Results: Bronchiectasis was observed in 76 (50.6%) patients of COPD while 74 patients had no bronchiectasis. Out of 76, cylindrical bronchiectasis was seen in 82%. Lower lobe and bilateral involvement was more common. Means of age, gender, exacerbations of COPD, and history of pulmonary tuberculosis were not related to bronchiectasis while pack years of smoking, duration of illness and Modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) Dyspnea Scale were significantly related to bronchiectasis.
Conclusion: This is observed that bronchiectasisis quite common (50.6%) in patients of COPD in our population.




How to Cite

Karamat A, Batool H, Anwar S, Akram S, Masood A, Rafai WA. Frequency and Pattern of Bronchiectasis in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital . Proceedings S.Z.M.C [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];35(3):54-7. Available from: