Dual Informants Reporting: Do we Observe Behavioral Problems in Primary School Children?


  • Saadia Shahzad Department of Community Medicine, Shalamar Medical and Dental College, Lahore




primary school, class-5 children, behavior problem, class/ subject teachers, Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), MeSH terms (primary school, public sector, private sector, parents, behavior problem).


Introduction: World Health Organization states that 20% of young children have emotional and behavioral problems.

Aims & Objectives:

1) Identify the pattern of behavior problems among primary school students in Lahore upon dual informant report.

2) Measure the association of demographic variables and behavior problems in primary school students in Lahore.

Place and duration of study: Study was conducted in Lahore and completed in one-year time.

Material & Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in eighteen public/ private primary schools of Lahore city; selected randomly from the sample frame of the schools of the selected towns. The sample size was 396, equally divided in both sectors (198 in each); three schools of each sector and town (66); and lastly 22 students from one school in a sector. Simple random sampling technique was applied to select the study subject from the sample frame. An appropriate inclusion and exclusion criterion was applied. Data collection was done on standardized Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire, using Parent and Teacher Proforma. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. P-Value < 0.05 was taken as significant.

Results: After exclusion, data of 369 students were analyzed for both sector school students. The frequencies for four borderline/ abnormal behavior problems-emotional; conduct; hyperactivity; and peer problems were assessed. The parent's reported frequencies were: 44.98%; 52.15%; 37.32%; and 44.02% respectively. Comparative figures reported by the teachers were: 28%; 34.69%; 28.19%; and 40.11% respectively. A statistically significant association was found between behavior problem sub-domains and socio-demographic factors in students. A weak positive Pearson correlation of 0.323was found between parent and teacher observed total behavior problem scores.

Conclusion: According to the assessment of both informants there is a significant rise in the behavior issues in its various sub-domains in students from both sectors as compared to the last statistics of 2010.




How to Cite

Saadia Shahzad. Dual Informants Reporting: Do we Observe Behavioral Problems in Primary School Children?. Proceedings S.Z.M.C [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];36(4):37-44. Available from: https://proceedings-szmc.org.pk/index.php/szmc/article/view/306