Effect of Cucumis melo Seeds and Allopurinol on Litholytic and Renal Histological Profile in Male Rats
EECMS, ethanolic extract of Cucumis melo seed; Kidney stones, PO, per oral; litholytic.Abstract
Introduction: Kidney stones are the 3rd major health problem affecting the urological system. Industrial chemical ethylene glycol can generate calcium oxalate crystals in kidneys. Allopurinol has been used to treat the hyperuricemia but can be effective against calcium oxalate kidney stones too. Seeds of Cucumis melo were traditionally utilized as antioxidant and diuretic, so can be studied as litholytic agent against stones as well.
Aims & Objectives: To assess and compare the litholytic effect of ethanolic extract of Cucumis melo seeds against ethylene glycol induced urolithiasis with allopurinol in rats.
Place and Duration of study: This experimental study was conducted in Pharmacology Department of FPGMI, Lahore for the period of 2 months.
Material & Methods: Four groups of 10 rats in each group were made. Calcium oxalate urinary stones were induced by 0.75% ethylene glycol for 28 days in male rats. Groups 1&2 served as negative and positive control while experimental groups 3&4 received Allopurinol 50mg/kg and Cucumis melo seed’s ethanolic extract (EECMS) in dose of 400mg/kg from 15th day to 28th day respectively. At the end of study, kidney weight, urinary calcium, oxalate and phosphorus along with histological examination of kidneys were used as measuring criteria of litholytic effect of seeds of Cucumis melo and was compared to allopurinol. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0 & presented in mean±s.d .Post-hoc Tukey’s test and ANOVA were used for comparison between data groups
Results: After 13 days of treatment experimental groups Groups 3 (Allopurinol 50mg/kg) and 4 (EECMS 400mg/kg) showed remarkable decreased mean urinary calcium, oxalate, phosphorus levels( mg/dl) and kidney weights(gm) of urinary calcium(10.55±1.53, 8.28±1.42), oxalate (18.3±0.78, 17.58±1.38), phosphorus (4.3±0.85, 3.59±1.49) and reduced kidney weights(1.43±0.22, 1.37±0.29) respectively(p value <0.001) as compared to diseased control group 2. Thus exhibiting Cucumis melo seed’s ethanolic extract has better litholytic role than allopurinol which also proved to be efficacious. Histopathological examination of kidney also showed dissolution of calcium oxalate stones.
Conclusion: Seeds of Cucumis melo extract have better litholytic effect on calcium oxalate kidney stones than allopurinol with improvement noted in the renal histological profile.
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