Big Data awareness and health care industry: An insight from Pakistan
Big Data, Healthcare industry, Healthcare 4.0, Healthcare Establishments, Big Data AwarenessAbstract
Introduction: Technologies like Big data are among one of the Quality 4.0 tools that seem to bring digital transformation in healthcare. Therefore, its awareness in healthcare providers is valuable to yield life-saving outcomes. A scarce literature has been found on the assessment of level of Big Data awareness, its utilization in healthcare and its role in firm performance.
Aims & Objectives: The objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the level of awareness, usage and mediation of big data with firm’s performance (healthcare establishment) and the relationship of moderation of resistance to change with the level of awareness of big data and big data usage.
Place and Duration of Study: Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan. Healthcare providers were approached through social media groups for the period of three months during 2022 across all provinces of Pakistan.
Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using both self-administered and e-questionnaire as a survey tool. The tool was designed and validated specifically for Healthcare Establishments via extensive literature review and review by the experts. 540 questionnaires were randomly floated among the healthcare providers for the period of three months. Accurately filled 235 responses with a response rate of 52.2% were analyzed by using SPSS version 21.
Results: Results supported the proposed model and showed positive and significant relationship between the level of
awareness of Big Data and firm performance (? = 0.57, p< 0.01) that is mediated by Big Data usage (LLCI = 0.1920; ULCI
= 0.3008). There is a positive and significant relationship between Big Data usage & firm performance (? = 0.66, p< 0.01). Furthermore, we observed resistance to change as moderator between level of awareness of Big Data and firm performance (? = -0.0068, p>0.05).
Conclusion: The current study concludes that level of awareness of Big Data & Big Data usage has a significant positive relationship with firm’s performance. So, on the bases of above facts we recommend that healthcare establishments need to educate and train their managers and professionals about role of Big Data and its usage in health-related activities for improved performance.
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Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 2 August 2010,
pages 465-477.
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