Prevalence Of Sleep Disorders Among Medical Students Of Lahore and Their Correlation with Obesity


  • Anusha Akram Student of Central Park Medical College, Lahore.
  • Muhammad Qasim Student ofAllama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore.
  • Noor Shahid Department of Community Medicine, Central Park Medical College, Lahore.
  • Tahseen Kazmi Department of Community Medicine, Central Park Medical College, Lahore.
  • Saira Farhat Department of Community Medicine, Central Park Medical College, Lahore.



Sleep disorders, BMI, obesity, Overweight


Introduction: An adequate amount of good-quality sleep is essential for optimal physical and mental health. Sleep disorders affecting sleep duration and quality result in several clinical conditions, including stress and obesity. Medical students are prone to sleep related disorders due to highly stressful academic demands and clinical practices.

Aims & Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate prevalence of sleep disorders among medical students of Lahore and their correlation with overweight and obesity.

Place and Duration of Study: The participants were medical students from Central Park Medical College and Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. Duration of study was from 8th August 2022 to 24th October 2022.

Material & Methods: Data was obtained from 424 participants, by using a simple random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about the symptoms of five sleep disorders as well as the participants' height and weight .For data analysis SPSS version 26 was used, a p-value of ?0.05 was considered significant.

Results: This research demonstrated a noteworthy correlation between insufficient sleep and increased BMI, leading to overweight and obesity. However, sleep disorders causing reduced sleep quality did not have a significant impact on BMI.

Conclusion: According to this study, sleep disturbances are quite common among medical students of Lahore and higher BMI is associated with insomnia.




How to Cite

Anusha Akram, Muhammad Qasim, Noor Shahid, Tahseen Kazmi, Saira Farhat. Prevalence Of Sleep Disorders Among Medical Students Of Lahore and Their Correlation with Obesity. Proceedings S.Z.M.C [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];37(4):53-7. Available from:


