Multiple Intracranial Tuberculomas In Immunocompetent Patient: An Uncommon Primary Manifestation Of Central Nervous System Tuberculosis (CNS TB)


  • Muhammad Sohail Ajmal Ghoauri Department of Neurology, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur Pakistan
  • Fatima Abbas Department of Neurology, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur Pakistan
  • Nauman Ismat Butt Department of Medicine & Allied, Azra Naheed Medial College, Superior University, Lahore Pakistan
  • Muhammad Bilal Rasheed Department of Medicine & Allied, Azra Naheed Medial College, Superior University, Lahore Pakistan
  • Abdul Samad Department of Pulmonology, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Quaid-e- Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur Pakistan
  • Farah Naz Department of Pulmonology, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Quaid-e- Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur Pakistan



Intracranial Tuberculoma, Anti-tubercular therapy, CS Tuberculosis, GeneXpert-PCR for MTB


Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious yet potentially-curable health issue among most developing countries including Pakistan. We report the case of an immunocompetent patient having multiple intracranial tuberculomas without evidence of meningitis which is an uncommon manifestation of CNS tuberculosis. A 50-year old man presented with 5 episodes of tonic-clonic generalized fits for 1 day, right sided body weakness for 2 weeks, generalized headaches and intermittent low-grade fever for 1 month. No contact or past history of tuberculosis was reported. On neurologic examination, there was hypertonia, exaggerated deep tendon reflexes and power of 3/5 in both right upper limb and right lower limb with a right plantar extensor response. CT scan (Brain) showed hyperdense areas in left frontal and temporal lobes with surrounding vasogenic edema. ESR was raised at 86 mm/hour. CSF analysis demonstratedRBC 0 cells/uL, WBC 783 cells/uL with 100% lymphocytes, Glucose 39 mg/dl andProtein 81 mg/dl with negative organism microscopy onAFB and Giemsa staining. However, CSF was positive for GeneXpert-PCR-MTB but drug resistance was not detected to rifampicin. Brain MRI with FLAIR demonstrated multiple disseminated, rim enhancing lesions with perilesional edema in bilateral cerebral hemispheres, thalami, left basal ganglia, medulla oblangata and cerebellum having no meningeal enhancement. Workup for immune-suppression was normal. A diagnosis of multiple intracranial tuberculomas was established and Anti-tubercular therapy was commenced. He was asymptomatic and taking ATT with good compliance having no adverse affects by 6-week follow up.




How to Cite

Muhammad Sohail Ajmal Ghoauri, Fatima Abbas, Nauman Ismat Butt, Muhammad Bilal Rasheed, Abdul Samad, Farah Naz. Multiple Intracranial Tuberculomas In Immunocompetent Patient: An Uncommon Primary Manifestation Of Central Nervous System Tuberculosis (CNS TB). Proceedings S.Z.M.C [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];37(4):64-7. Available from:


